Threat number two, the Bingham Company, which placed this disturbing ad in this week's economist. It's a baby in the clutches of a BEAR! I'd hate to imagine what happened after the flash went off and startled it. To bears, babies are like Pringles--once they pop, they can't stop!

Look, I happen to know the bear featured in that ad. His name is Larry. He's a consummate professional and has done plenty of print ads as well as some work in commercials. Larry, startled by a flash? Puh-leeze!
What kind of company is Bingham? A consulting firm?Actually, it says here that they're a law firm. Wonder if they handle libel cases. Maybe Larry should give them a call...
Well, let me consult with you: Should I give my baby to a grizzly bear? Yes, but first rub him with salmon and honey!Mmmm--now I'm getting hungry. Think I will have salmon for dinner tonight. Not sure if I should go with the salmon with pecan honey glaze or the grilled salmon with orange glaze.
But hold the baby...'k thanks.
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